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Dr. Shawna York

Chemistry, Division of Science and Mathematics


Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, 2002, University of Oklahoma
MS in Chemistry, 1999, University of Oklahoma
B. S. in Physics and Chemistry, 1994, Southern Nazarene University


Dr. Shawna York has served at SNU since 2012. Shawna teaches General Chemistry I and II (and labs), Physical Chemistry (and lab), Analytical Chemistry I (and lab), Instrumental Analysis (and lab), Chemistry Seminar, Directed Research, Chemical Kinetics, History of Science, Earth and Sky, and Origins. Dr. York loves chemistry, her students, and Jesus.

Conference Presentations, Refereed Publications, and Student Research:

– Christian Escritt and Shawna York “Safer at Home: Conductometric Titrations” McNair research, Summer 2020
– Chris Johnson, Alexis Redwine, and Shawna York “Comparison of spectroscopic methods to identify and quantify tautomers” NASA Spacegrant and Catalyst research, Summer 2020
– Morgan Thurman, Jerrik Burson and Shawna York “Instrumental Hardware-Software Interfacing”, ACS Pentasectional Meeting, April 2019, Norman, OK
– Tyler Souza and Shawna York, “Survey of Lake Water Quality Across Oklahoma”, ACS Pentasectional Meeting, April 2019, Norman, OK
– Nadine R. Samilpa, Kyler T. Ross, Lisa D. Crow and Shawna S. York , “Nazarov Cyclization with Magnetite.” National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 2018, Edmond, OK.
– Regina Davis, Travis Vernier, Nathan Schauer, Jessica Vallier, Lisa D. Crow, and Shawna S. York” Magnetite-carbon Composites for Water Purification” (poster) American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Galveston, TX, Oct 2016
– Mickey DeMarzo, Rachel Rindom, Caroline Bentley, Lisa Crow, and Shawna York, “Green Synthesis and Antibacterial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles” (poster) American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Ft. Worth, TX, Oct 2014
– Tayler Schartz and Shawna York, “Investigation of Spectroscopic Methods of Caffeine Determination” (poster) American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Waco, TX, Oct 2013
– Shawna York, Michael Jordan, Nathan Malmberg, “Writing across the undergraduate chemistry curriculum” American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Oct 2008
– “Writing and Self-Publishing a Lab Manual” Michael R. Jordan and Shawna York, 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Purdue University, 2006
– Jason R. Wickham, Shawna S. York, Nathalie M. Rocher, Charles V. Rice, “Lithium Environment in Dilute Poly(ethylene oxide)/Lithium Triflate Polymer Electrolyte from REDOR NMR Spectroscopy” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110(10), 4538-4541. – Roger Frech, Shawna York, Harry Allcock, Clay Kellam, “Ionic Transport in Polymer Electrolytes: The Essential Role of Associated Ionic Species” Macromolecules; 2004; 37(23); 8699-8702.
– Shawna S. York, M. Buckner, R. Frech, “Ion-Polymer and Ion-Ion Interactions in Linear Poly(ethylenimine) Complexed with LiCF3SO3 and LiSbF6”Macromolecules; 2004; 37(3); 994-999.
– Shawna York, Morgen Buckner, Roger Frech, “Ion-Polymer and Ion-Ion Interactions in Linear Polyethylenimine Complexed with LiCF3SO3, LiSbF6, and TbaSbF6” American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, Oct. 2003
– Shawna York, Scott E. Boesch, R.A. Wheeler, Roger Frech; “Vibrational Assignments of High Molecular Weight Linear Polyethylenimine (LPEI) Based on Monomeric and Tetrameric Model Compounds”; Macromolecules 2003, 36(19), 7348-7351.
Vibrations of Dimethylethylenediamine, a Model for Poly(ethylenimine) “ Phys Chem Comm, 1, (2001). (online journal – ) – S. York, E.C. Kellam III, H.R. Allcock and R. Frech. “A Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Lithium Triflate in Polyphosphazenes with Linear Oligoethyleneoxy Side Chains of Different Lengths” Electrochemica Acta, 46(10-11), 1553-1557, (2001).
– S. York, E.C. Kellam, III, H.R. Allcock, R. Frech. “A Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Lithium Triflate in Polyphosphazenes with Linear Oligoethyleneoxy Side Chains of Different Lengths” 7th International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes, Noosa, Australia, Aug 2000
– Dwight E. Neuenschwander and Shawna R. Starkey (York) “Adiabatic invariance derived from the Rund–Trautman identity and Noether’s theorem” American Journal of Physics 61, 1008 (1993)

Dr. York’s Hobby or Fun Fact: I like museums and art festivals